How to pay the tax In OnlinePajak via virtual Account

This method can be used if you create a Billing ID or send a Billing ID for payment by bank transfer.

Before you make a payment, please can follow this instructions below to create ID billing: 

  1. Login to your OnlinePajak Account
  2. Click Pay tax
  3. Choose the tax period
  4. Click +Create Transaction and select tax type  ( for example PPh21)
  5. Input Valid Tax Details to Generate ID Billing ( Code Tax Type, Code tax payment, Tax Payer Information)
  6. After you complete all the details click  "Request Approval"
  7. Next, click the 3 dots icon to continue the payment. then click "Approve transaction".
  8. You can click "Pay Tax" after you approve it
  9. You can click +Add Contact to add contact for BPN recipients
  10. Select one of the bank option to continue the payment. then click Pay
  11. You will see tax payment details, Bank Name, Description and Virtual Account Number / Account Number. 
Notes : 
1. Virtual Account number can be used for multiple times/transaction 
2. When you make a transfer transaction, please input the exact nominal amount

12. After you made a payment, you will see the NTPN/BPN

13. Check BPN/NTPN in the "Paid" column. Click the 3 dots icon menu  and click Download BPN